
Windows Windows are the primary means of displaying content on the BWO Decision Support Dashboard (DSD). Window content is located on the left-side menu section and is grouped by themes.  Many dashboards will be set up with sections titled “Monitor.”...

Setting up warning selections

You can access the warning selection feature by clicking on “settings” at the bottom of the left-side menu. Click on “Manage NWS Notifications.” You will now see the Severe Weather Notification setting screen. You can select to receive...

How to delete a monitor area

Left click on the monitor box located at the top right of the dashboard. The monitor alert selection window will open. Click remove area. The box will be removed upon the next refresh.  You can refresh your screen to remove it immediately....

How to set up a new monitor area

There are 5 monitor area “polygons” available for your account. Monitor areas reference a specific geographic area of interest. Within each monitor area you can set up multiple alerts (see “Setting Up Alerts”). Left click on a blank box / add...

How to set up or change a notification contact

How to set up monitor alert notifications At the bottom of the left-side menu click on settings. Click on “Add/Remove Contacts” Click on “Manage Notification List” You will then have the option to either add or remove a contact. To add a new...

Setting up windows

The windows feature allows a user to display multiple images within the BWO Decision Support dashboard. Windows image are located within the peach-colored box on the left side menu. Up to 20 images can be established reflecting user requirements. Images are...