Windows are the primary means of displaying content on the BWO Decision Support Dashboard (DSD). Window content is located on the left-side menu section and is grouped by themes.
Many dashboards will be set up with sections titled “Monitor.” These typically include severe, rain, and river monitors. Content within monitor sections are generally intended for real-time monitoring of critical information.
You might notice that there are items listed with either a “+” or “-” behind them.
A “+” indicates a “track” which is a grouping of similar content within one window. For example, there is a “severe track.” When this window is opened, youu will see a variety of products. The intent of tracks is for easy review of multiple images without opening multiple windows.
A “-” indicates an RSS feed. One especially useful RSS feed is the “Severe RSS” feed which contains content from the Storm Prediction Center. This feed, and other RSS feeds, are quite useful in keeping open to monitor real-time information.
You open windows by clicking on the box in front of the item. You close a window either by un-clicking the box or by clicking on the “close” icon “X.”
There are 6 possible navigation controls.
Drag – allows window to be dragged to other areas of the dashboard.
Full – allows product to be size to cover the entire screen. Not all products have this option.
Bigger and smaller – Increases or decreases windows by small increments.
Navigation controls can be used to position windows on the dashboard. The layout feature can save these windows and window positions.